Jack: A Second Chance Marine Romance Read online

Page 7

  “Ending up in Boston isn’t that farfetched.” She shrugged. “Maine is only a couple of hours away.”

  “You once told me you thought you’d go to school around here.” He covered his chest and teased, “Here I was hoping that you moving here had something to do with me.”

  When she tensed, he thought he’d hit close to her reason.

  “I thought you were over on the other side of the world.” She raised a brow and followed with a saucy look. “I don’t remember you being so cocky.”

  He laughed. “Perhaps a little hopeful that you’re as happy to see me as I am to see you.”

  “Maybe.” Glancing away, she sipped her sangria before returning her gaze to him. “What did you do today?”

  “Not much. My mom had me help move some boxes in the basement. Now that I’m back, she’s putting me to good use with plenty of home projects.”

  “You’re a good son.” She tossed her shiny brown hair over her shoulder and gave him a teasing grin. “I’m glad you didn’t say you went out looking for Big Foot or something like that.”

  He chuckled, remembering the shared moment in Okinawa. “That’s on the agenda for tomorrow.” He winked.

  Their conversation turned back to Okinawa, which led to a question he’d heard dozens of times: “How did you end up in the Marines?”

  He eyed her before he replied. Funny how they hadn’t talked about that until now, another quirk in their strange and bumpy road that led him to the present.

  Should he tell her the real story or the quick version to shut everyone up? Yes, he could trust her. She’d get it.

  He wrapped both hands around his glass. “My dad was a Marine. He died in Afghanistan when I was twelve.”

  Vivi sighed. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Since it was just Mom and Carrie, I took on the role as man of the house, following in his lead. I went to college nearby so I could take care of them and joined ROTC. There was much I didn’t know about my dad. By learning more about the military, I thought I’d learn more about him. Naturally, my mom was worried about me considering a military career, but she understood—I was trying to be like my dad. When I graduated, she told me to do what I wanted to do. And off I went.”

  She’d leaned in closer as he told the story, lips parted as she listened intently. “I’m guessing you didn’t want to make a career out of it?”

  He took a sip before answering as he considered what had become clearer to him during the end of his tour in the Marines. “True. What I found is that it wasn’t a lifelong career for me. I’m more fascinated about military history than living a military life. It gave me more insight to my dad—and maybe myself.”

  “What did you discover?” Her interest sounded genuine.

  He tapped his fingers on his thigh as he sought the right words. “Something was missing while I served. That’s why I started teaching over there. And once I started to do so, something clicked. It was what I wanted to do.” He took one of the cheese tapas off of a colorful plate and chewed.

  Vivi’s eyes were still fixed on him. “And now that you’re home?”

  The million dollar question. After he swallowed, he replied. “I’m wondering the same thing. I’ve been trying to figure out my next step.”

  She raised both hands palms up. “It seems obvious to me. Why don’t you teach?”

  How much more should he reveal? He didn’t know her that well to tell her his secrets.

  Her eyes were full of interest as she waited for him to answer. It was rare that anyone looked at another like that, invested in the other person. Most people, he found, barely listened. They waited for the break in the conversation so they could talk once again.

  “I’m not sure I’m cut out for it,” he admitted and fixed his eyes on the table before raising them back to her.

  Vivi shook her head and looked at him from under raised brows. “Come again?”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Jack, I was in your class. If anyone was cut out for it, it’s you.”

  He shifted in the chair. “It’s different here.”

  She watched him. Clearly, she wasn’t going to let it go with such a vague answer.

  “We live in a university mecca here with brilliant people all around us,” he explained. “Harvard, MIT, BU, BC, the list goes on. It was one thing to lecture at an extension school overseas, but it’s another to try to land a teaching position here. I’ll need to take more classes.”

  He left one part out, that small fear that nagged at him. I don’t know if I’m good enough to run with this crowd.

  “But you have what it takes, Jack.”

  Vivi said it with such conviction that he straightened in his chair. He took a sip of sangria, which turned out to be more of a gulp.

  Her eyes were bright as she gestured with her hands. “You have that enthusiasm, no—passion—that inspires others.”

  He shrugged and poked at a piece of chicken, moving it around the sauce on the plate before shoving it into his mouth. It was tasty, like the rest of the meal, but he barely took notice, not when they had moved their dance so perilously close to his deep, dark insecurities.

  After he swallowed, he went one step further. “Some of my cousins are veterans and they gave me a heads up about the rough transition back to civilian life, but I have to admit, it’s been harder than I expected.”

  Seconds passed. She didn’t seem to blink.

  “I know exactly what that feels like.”

  She understood, and that encouraged him to continue. “But it shouldn’t be as difficult for me, right?” Now that he’d opened the jar of concerns, they flew to the surface. “I don’t have any injuries to hamper me. I should just get over it and move on. But still.” He ran one hand through his hair. “Something’s off. It’s like I’m drifting. Lost at sea.” He motioned with an open hand. “It’s what many of us dream about—to come home and start a new life with our loved ones.” He shook his head as he squared his jaw. “And now I’m home, but everything’s different.”

  “It’s us, I think,” Vivi replied. “The world hasn’t changed. We have.”

  “My cousins, Angelo and Matty, describe it like trying to fit a puzzle piece that has been reshaped by water back into position. It might fit, but it will never be seamless.”

  She made a sound of acknowledgment. “That sounds about right to me.”

  Her words played in his head as they finished their meals. After they exited the restaurant, they lingered in the parking lot, exchanging glances. She seemed as unwilling to leave as he was, shifting her feet, but not making any motion to leave.

  “Let me drive you home,” he suggested.

  “You sure about that? The Green Line is right here.” She motioned to the tracks cutting down the center of the road. “And parking can be tough in my neighborhood.”

  “It’s a small price to spend more time with you.” He reached his hand out to touch her cheek and stroked her soft skin.

  She leaned into his hand. “Then let’s go.” The decadent glimmer in her eyes was promising. He doubted he was misreading her interest.

  He opened the door for her. Once she climbed in, he walked over to his side. His hands were hot as anticipation burned through him, a desperate yearning to touch her again.

  Touch more of her.

  Once they were in his truck, the mood shifted with a single, hungry glance. The desire in her eyes mirrored his need. They lunged for each other almost at once, as if they’d been holding back for far too long.

  He grabbed her face and kissed her, not caring they were in a parking lot where anyone could see them. Within minutes, they were spread across the front seat. He ran his hands down the side of her body and she reached beneath his shirt.

  She pulled away, breathless. “Can we go to your place? I have roommates.”

  Shit. “I’m in the house with my mom and sister right now.”

  “Hmm,” she said. “Let me see if my place is free.”

e pulled out her phone and began texting while his mind raced, considering where they could go. Not his truck. They weren’t teenagers. He gritted his teeth. A hotel? Damn, he had to get his own place and soon.

  Vivi exhaled with a relieved whoosh. “No one’s at my apartment. Let’s go there.”

  He could barely focus on anything else besides the promise of what might lie ahead. On the drive to her place, she appeared to be just as eager. She kissed his neck and stroked his thigh, which hardened his already semi-erect cock.

  “If you keep doing that,” he teased, “It’s going to steer the car itself.”

  She chuckled. Damn, he loved to hear her laugh, especially when he was the one to make her do so.

  After circling the area a few times, he found a spot. Once he parked, they stumbled to her front door, kissing and pawing at each other on the way.

  Someone shouted, “Get a room!”

  She laughed against his throat, before murmuring, “We’re working on it.”

  Inside, he noticed mismatched furniture in the living room, a couch and two arm chairs. The usual student variety, perhaps second-hand from a family member or picked up a thrift store. She led him through the door into her bedroom.

  Vivi’s room.

  “Here we are,” she said. “My humble abode. Better than the barracks or a camp, but not the Ritz.”

  He paused a moment to take it in. This was where Vivi lived, slept every night. The faint scent of cinnamon hung in the air, which he attributed to a glassed candle on her end table. Her bed was made with a white comforter and pale blue accent pillows, and her dresser was tidy. No clothes were strewn about—an effect of years in the military with routine inspections. He wasn’t here to assess her tidiness, though. All he wanted was to get closer to her.

  “Very ritzy,” he agreed with a nod.

  She giggled. “Want a drink?” she asked. “I have white wine in the fridge.”

  “No.” He stepped up to her and cupped her face with both hands. “All I want is right here.”

  Her eyes flickered with excitement and dark lust. “I’ve wanted this for so long, Jack. Don’t make me wait any longer.”

  He didn’t need any more of an invitation to spur back into action. When he kissed her, he all but plundered her mouth.

  She responded in kind, matching his rhythm in a desperate chase to get closer. He explored as much of her as he could reach. She ran her hands down his body. When her fingers stroked his erection, it was a wonder he didn’t explode into his pants. He pressed himself against her, itching to break through the clothes separating them.

  Leading her back toward the bed, they fell together, landing in a clumsy heap on top of her comforter. So much for a smooth seduction.

  She laughed and pushed her hair away from her face. “That was on me. My balance isn’t what it used to be.”

  The last thing he was going to do was draw attention to the reason. He slid over her and kissed her neck, and then reached under her dress, which was fortunately made of some stretchy fabric. He stroked her belly. “That was what I’d call a perfectly choreographed move,” he murmured. “We ended up right where I wanted to be.”

  He pulled up the dress and trailed kisses above the seam of her leggings, around her belly button. Her breath caught and then she sighed.

  Reaching up, he squeezed her breast. She squirmed under his mouth and arched her body.

  Time to remove the obstacles. He wanted them to be skin to skin, needed to touch all of her—and taste. Fuck, he’d wanted to taste her for so long. If he didn’t tonight, he’d lose a battle holding on to his sanity. She was too close, too tempting.

  He pulled her dress up over her head. “I can’t wait to see you, Vivi. All of you.” When he started to pull her tights down, she tensed.

  She placed her hand on his. “Wait.”

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She bit her lip and her expression turned worried. “I’m afraid.”

  Chapter 8


  Vivi had existed in a delirious state as Jack trailed kisses over her body. The familiar comfort of her bedroom set the scene for what she had fantasized about for so long.

  Raw need had mixed with pleasure. But when he’d moved down to her tights, a vivid reminder of what she’d expose to him returned. He’s caught a glimpse of her scars the night of the gala, but he’d be seeing her—all of her. Those ugly, vicious gashes that marked her as damaged.

  “What are you afraid of, Vivi?” Jack’s voice was gentle.

  “Showing you my scars.” She swallowed. “They’re not pretty.”

  “Don’t be.” He kissed her palm. “They’re just scars. We all have them. Some on the inside, some out. They don’t make you any less beautiful.”

  After she gave him a skeptical look, he continued. “They show you’re more than just the beauty on the surface. You’re brave. Amazing. You earned those scars during a mission many people would be too chicken shit to volunteer for.”

  She took a long, slow breath. That was one of the kindest things she’d heard in a while. She sighed. “That means a lot to me.”

  “You’re worried that I’ll judge you because of them. I can see it on your face.” He kissed her wrist. “But I’m in awe of how someone as amazing as you are, Vivi, would let me into her life.”

  A swell of emotions rose in her. Nobody had put it to her that way before.

  Jack caressed her arm and down her side, planting soft kisses on the way. He took his time with slow movements, waiting for her to grow more comfortable. Soon she was hot again with need, eager to continue.

  When he moved his mouth down to her hips, she squirmed. “I think I’d be more comfortable with the lights down.”

  He searched her nightstand. She had a few Yankee Candle jars around the room. “How about candlelight?”

  That might work. The low light of the flame could be flattering.

  Or it could distort an already marred image.

  Stop freaking out. You want this. Don’t let your hang-ups kill it because you know damn well you’ll regret it, just like you regretted not going for it in the past.

  “Yes, let’s light some candles,” she agreed.

  He reached for the lighter on the end table and lit the closest one, apple and cinnamon, followed by the smaller pumpkin ones beside it. After climbing out of bed, he lit another one on her bureau, followed by the others until. The fragrances of autumn in New England soon infused the room like a soothing caress.

  Jack’s consideration touched her. He didn’t dismiss her insecurities as ridiculous. She needed time to adjust and he gave her all he needed.

  She was one lucky woman.

  He turned out the light and sat beside her. Soft candlelight blanketed the space near the bed, highlighting his chiseled face.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he said, “You are beautiful, Vivi. Inside and out. You always have been.”

  Her already rapid pulse sputtered. Hell, it had gone out of control since the moment Jack strode back into her life.

  When he pressed his lips to hers, she practically liquefied. She moved closer to him, wanting more, but he pulled back.

  “I know you’re afraid.” He searched her eyes. “I am, too.”

  She furrowed her brows. What could strong and steady Jack possibly be afraid of? “Of what?”

  He took two low breaths before answering. “I’m scared of how strong my feelings are for you.” His voice lowered so she barely heart him. “It’s all happened so fast between us, and I’m so confused about many things in my life right now, but I know in here that this is right.” The volume in his tone grew with certainty. He placed one strong hand on his broad chest. “Maybe it’s because we’ve known each other in the past that we skipped all that early getting-to-know-you jazz. You know me—you get me in all the important ways. You even know my fear. Except one.”

  His eyes appeared so vulnerable, somehow more so by candlelight. Vivi wanted to reach out and do some
thing to comfort him.

  She stroked his arm. “What’s that?”

  “That this is just a flash of how happy we could be. I don’t want to blow it. And if you think some scars are going to send me running, think again.” He shook his head and then caressed her cheek. “They only make me admire you more.”

  Her heart, long-suffering from all the cardio these past few days, seized up as she listened intently to each word. Breathe. Respond.

  What could she say to that? There were no words. She fought to find something, anything.

  “You know all the right things to say, Jack,” she sighed. “I wish I could do the same for you.”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  But she could show him how much he meant to her. She touched his cheek, loving the feel of his stubble on her hand. Searching his eyes before she leaned forward and her lids closed. She kissed him again, this time not holding anything back.

  When they broke apart to breathe, she pulled up her dress over her head. He watched her with an intense expression. As she removed her bra, his eyes smoldered. No one had ever looked at her with such raw hunger and yearning, and it stoked a new wave of desire flooding through her.

  Jack leaned her back onto the bed and claimed her mouth with a deep kiss. He moved his hands over her throats, shoulders, and then breasts. She moaned her pleasure.

  He lowered his mouth to kiss and suck each one, and her skin tingled with need. God, she’d wanted this for so long. She arched her body, never wanting him to stop.

  When he moved his hands over her skin and reached her leggings, she took a fortifying breath. This was it. She removed them slowly, anticipation heightening every passing second, as she exposed herself to him.

  He continued to ramp up her excitement with his hands and mouth traveling over her torso with slow, deliberate torture. When he reached her legs, she stilled, fearing the worst.

  He lowered his head and kissed over the scars, the raw red and vivid white slashes that would forever mark her. “You’re exquisite.”