Jack: A Second Chance Marine Romance Read online

Page 6

  His fingers slid over the side of her neck, trailing her shoulder, before reaching her breast. She could scarcely breathe, arching toward him, begging him for more. How her body responded that quickly surprised her.

  Many thoughts volleyed in her head, but they were drowned out by her body’s rising desires. When he stroked over her nipple with his thumb, a strangled noise escaped her. Yes, she wanted this. Needed him.

  Needed more.

  The slam of a door jolted her. He pulled away from her, leaving her in a daze. What was going on? Where were they?

  The familiar scene of the outdoor courtyard brought her back to reality with the sight of a few cats napping under the autumn sun. Shit, they were making out at the cat shelter. It must have been Ryan entering the front office.

  She smoothed her clothes, wondering if her outsides matched her scrambled insides.

  Jack raised his hand. “Your hair.”

  He ran his fingers through some unruly strands that had slipped from the elastic. She couldn’t walk into the office looking like she’d had a quick shag in the courtyard—which she might have ended up doing if the door shutting hadn’t shattered the spell. And hell, it wasn’t like the cats would give a crap.

  Still, it was unprofessional. They weren’t two teens looking for a quick hookup. She pulled her hair out of her ponytail and smoothed it back into a tighter one. She took a deep breath to focus. “Thanks.”

  “You okay, Viv?”

  He’d snapped back upright, but the way he jutted out his jaw indicated he might be as flustered—and frustrated—as she was.

  “Fine,” she managed to respond. “I better go check in with Ryan, let him know we’re here.”

  “I’ll wait out here.” He gave her a devastating grin that made her mind fuzzy again. “I don’t think he’ll want to see me until my Jolly Roger lowers its sails.”

  She laughed and lowered her gaze. Hot damn, his erection was visible, straining against his black jeans. Resisting biting her lip at the promise bundled in that decadent package before her, she forced herself to put one foot in front of the other to walk to the office.


  Jack prowled over the lawn in the courtyard, still wound up by the kiss. He wasn’t ready to talk to anyone. How could he converse when all he wanted was to touch Vivi’s lips again?

  A few cats sized him up from under the cover of bushes like they’d been trained in the military to seek cover. They were likely assessing the stranger—him—and gauging if he was a threat. Others napped as if oblivious to his presence.

  He bent down and extended his hand to present himself as friend, not foe. A brave orange tabby strolled over and sniffed at his fingers, but once Jack rubbed its cheek, it turned and scurried back to its hideaway under foliage.

  Jack rose and resumed pacing the lawn. He wanted to get out of there and take Vivi some place private. Somewhere he could take her in his arms, tear off her clothes, touch her and kiss her everywhere…

  Control yourself. Just because you haven’t been with a woman in a long time doesn’t mean you have to go all caveman on her.

  He grunted. Part of the reason was he hadn’t met anyone whom he’d clicked with since Vivi. No one gave him any tingles, no one set off any sparks the way she had. And conversations, forget it. They were the worst part. Each time he went on a date with a woman, talk was forced, not at all natural.

  With Vivi, their discussions had that underlying passion right away. They’d started in class when they’d debated topics ranging from historical to current events, evolved through their flirtation at the gym, and then exploded during that intense all-night talk on the beach. They’d only known each other a short time, but had cut through the bullshit right from the start. In a world full of fakes, that meant something.

  Something to treasure.

  Jack’s memories returned to one in particular, when he’d teased her about his absolute belief in the existence of Big Foot and how he’d gone on hunts to find one. She’d insisted that all the so-called “footage” was fake. He loved riling her up as she often responded with a passionate reaction. She’d skewered him with questions until he broke out into a laugh. That was what he remembered most about her—not only could they talk, but they could laugh.

  The problem was, after he’d met Vivi, he didn’t want anyone else but her. Even knowing he couldn’t have her.

  But now, they might have a chance—if he didn’t blow it. He couldn’t barge his way into the cat shelter and take her like some beast, despite all the primal urges driving him to kiss her again. To touch her soft skin. To taste every secret part of her. To push himself inch by inch inside her, making her gasp, and cry out his name.

  Running into Vivi again gave them a second chance. What he knew was that wanted her in his life. It might be crazy to think that way, but after many years in dangerous situations, he listened to his gut.

  And his gut told him not to let her go.

  A black cat sauntered out from the cat door. It was Stella. She strutted over to him like a disinterested princess, but then rubbed his leg with vigor.

  “Hey, sweet thing. Coming out for some fresh air?” He bent down and opened his palm.

  After she sniffed it, he rubbed her cheek. That only encouraged her to push for more, and she nudged his hand when his efforts slowed or weren’t vigorous enough.

  “Damn, you know exactly what you want, don’t you?” He laughed. “It reminds me of someone else.” When Vivi had initiated the kiss, it had thrown him off balance in an oddly exciting way. He thought he’d been the one leading the seduction, but when she’d taken the lead, he’d almost lost control.

  If the kiss had been that hot, he couldn’t imagine what it would be bury himself deep inside her.

  Oh yes, he could. He’d done so already, dozens if not hundreds of times.

  If she was on board, it was time to make his fantasies come true.

  Vivi walked back into the courtyard. His breath caught in his throat. She was stunning.

  “Look who’s back.” She nodded at Stella.

  Jack swallowed. “I think we’re going to be best buds before I leave.”

  Vivi planted her hands on her hips and grinned. “I might get jealous.”

  “You don’t strike me as the jealous type.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t like to share.”

  His gaze raked over her. If he had her, he wouldn’t share her with anyone. It would take all his self-control not to tear into any man who coveted her. Now that he’d kissed her again, his inner alpha had already claimed her as his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

  He stepped closer to Vivi. “Who does?”

  Another searing gaze passed between them again, hot enough to incinerate the whole damn building. It would be a miracle if he made it out of there today without taking her on the soft earth in the courtyard, rolling her over the crunchy fallen leaves.

  “Anyway, let’s get back to work.” Vivi motioned ahead. “Let me show you where some other cats are. They’ve tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, and need some extra love.”

  Jack couldn’t keep his gaze from wandering over her during the next hour as she finished the tour with the other rooms in the building, introducing him to more cats.

  Focus on her instructions. Not fantasizing what else you could be doing with her.

  After countless times catching him ogling her, she called him out on it. “You keep staring at me.”

  “You’re very stare-able.”

  She burst out with a laugh. “That’s a new word.”

  He arched a brow. “One that would make Shakespeare proud?”

  She shook her head, though her teasing smile lingered. “I’d stick with history if I were you.”

  Chapter 7


  After that kiss, it had taken Vivi several moments to return to the present. She’d felt weightless over the next hour, floating like a drifting cloud as she and Jack finished up at the cat shelter.
  They ended in the office to check out with Ryan. He spun in his office chair to face them and assessed both with an amused glance. What was he smirking about? He hadn’t seen anything, had he?

  Unless her feelings were clearly scrawled across her face. That kiss had ignited something within, leaving her with a burning she wasn’t sure she could extinguish.

  Her attraction to Jack had taken another turn in their sensual dance, moving closer and pulling back, leaving her scrambling to find a steady foothold. After all this time, would they finally have a chance to start something new?

  “You all set, Jack?” Ryan asked.

  “Think so. I had an excellent orientation.” Jack grinned at Vivi.

  “Stella took a liking to him,” she burst out at a higher pitch than usual. Talking about the cats would be safer.

  “The feeling was mutual,” Jack agreed with a nod.

  When she’d seen Jack playing with Stella, it had tugged all the more at Vivi’s already well-worn heartstrings. Everything about him seemed to be designed to break down her barriers and barrel through her reinforcements like an armored vehicle, leaving her exposed and vulnerable.

  Perhaps talking about the cats wasn’t so safe after all. Or maybe it was all Jack. She inhaled to steel herself and focus on her tasks, doing a quick mental run down to make sure she hadn’t missed anything.

  After they said their farewells to Ryan and exited the office, she pulled her hair out of the ponytail and it fell over her shoulders. Jack leaned against the exterior of the main building and hooked his thumbs through his belt loops while he watched her.

  His gaze traveled over her. “What are you doing the rest of the day?”

  That look suggested all the decadent things they could do, and her brain hummed with a sensual static. She shifted her feet through the pebbles in the parking lot. “I have a couple of classes this afternoon.”

  “What time?”

  “The first one starts at two.”

  “What classes?”

  She twisted her hair into a knot and teased, “You ask a lot of questions.”

  He took a step away from the wall and closer to her. “I’m interested in learning more about you, Vivi.”

  Her heart stuttered a pleasant heat simmered in her veins. “Okay then, one is animal biology, the other is on the history of Boston. I’m majoring in animal science with a minor in history.”

  “Odd combination. But history, good choice.” The sparkle in his eyes was following by a conspiratorial wink.

  She raised a brow. “I once met a lecturer in Okinawa who sparked my interest.”

  Whoa, that was super flirty. A memory of his lectures returned. He’d spoken with such conviction about the material he’d presented that he’d commanded everyone’s attention. She never caught anyone dozing off.

  That had been a long time ago. Time to get over that. But that dance last night had set everything in motion once again, launching her anticipation to new heights. To tame her excited nerves, which clambered like an untamed filly, she added, “An interest in history, of course.”

  His smoldering gaze appeared bluer under the bright skies without a cloud in them, and they scorched her as he drank her in. How could he affect her so with just a look?

  He took another step closer to her and traced his fingers down her forearm, lingering on the back of her hand before he pulled it away. “How did you end up enlisting, anyway? What drew you to it?”

  Her heart beat so loud that it echoed in her ears. She shifted focus to his question and not the desire coiling deep in her core. “Not really sure. I graduated high school and wasn’t ready for college because I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. The military seemed like a good option.” Her words tumbled at a rapid pace that matched her quickened breath. “I could learn about myself, see the world, and take some college classes.” She pointed at her leg. “I was a teenager and thought I was invincible. Guess I was wrong.”

  His eyes warmed with concern. “We all think that way when we’re that young. And we can’t anticipate stuff outside of our control.”

  She shrugged as she scanned the area. The shelter was between brick apartment buildings off the main road in a more residential neighborhood of the city. “So now I’m here, using the GI Bill, and trying to get my degree. I’m hoping to work with animals, however I can. The history minor is more of a personal interest.”

  “Sounds like you have a good plan.” When her gaze returned to him, his intense eyes were still on her. “Maybe you can offer me some tips about getting my life in check after the military. How about over dinner tonight?”

  Vivi’s muscles tensed. His question left her unbalanced. That time they’d made plans to meet at the ball, it had ended up a monumental, crushing disaster.

  She inhaled and squeezed some of the tension out with the exhale. Nothing was stopping them now, right? Nobody’s career would be threatened. They were finally free to do what they wanted.

  Then why did she feel as if she was tempting fate by going back for round two?

  What was it about Jack that affected her so? He shouldn’t elicit such a strong reaction in her. Almost two years had gone by. She’d moved around, faced all kinds of challenges, and had now started the next phase of her life.

  But his dark, steady gaze did things to her that defied explanation, making her think whatever connection they once had was as raw and consuming as ever. Not to mention the kiss. That would get her through many cold, lonely nights in the near future.

  She glanced down at the asphalt of the road. It stretched ahead and veered off to a tight curve, an unexpected adjustment if driving too fast. One moment could change everything.

  The attraction wasn’t the problem. It was her. No matter what progress she made, she feared she’d lost her spark. It had burned out with the fires that had marred her flesh and ended her military career.

  Jack waited for her answer. Despite all the reservations in her head, every part of her body responded otherwise.

  Over the jumble of static in her mind, she forced out her reply. “Sure.”

  He rewarded her with a magnificent grin. “I’ll be looking forward to it all day, Viv.”

  After Vivi went to class that afternoon, she found a seat in the back of the lecture hall. She barely took in the professor’s words as she thought about Jack. Fortunately, this class was in a larger auditorium and not one of the smaller discussion groups where she’d be expected to participate.

  How could she focus when she had a date with Jack that night? How could she not think of how they’d kissed in the cat shelter that morning? How could she not fantasize about seeing him again?

  Anticipation drove her to check the clock every few minutes.

  When her classes were finally done for the day, she rushed from campus back to her apartment. She took a long, hot shower, and visualized Jack in there with her. Those intense eyes capturing her as he touched her and whispered dirty things in her ear. She lingered too long and had to rush to dry off and find something to wear.

  After fishing through her closet, she chose a long-sleeve orange and brown patterned dress that was fitted up top, but flared out from her waist. The flattering design echoed the colors of fall in New England. Luckily, boots were in style. She could wear a dress with leggings and her scars wouldn’t be visible.

  As she applied light makeup, her excitement at the night ahead stared back in her expression.

  Settle down. Don’t hype this night up and set yourself up for disappointment. Remember what happened last time?

  How could she forget?

  She played classical music to help calm her while she finished getting ready.

  Thirty minutes later, she stepped off a Green Line trolley to meet Jack outside a tapas restaurant. The sun was lower in the sky above the buildings along the city skyline. The cooler evening air felt welcome as her body had seemed to burn at a higher temperature all day.

  He paced in front of a commercial stretc
h of brick buildings, looking as handsome as hell in a blue button-down shirt and black pants.

  Despite that buzz of anticipation that had fueled her all afternoon, a strange calm fell over her as she headed over to him. Being near him again made everything right again.

  When he spotted her, his gaze caressed her. He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful, as always.”

  Tingles of delight danced through her. “You look pretty good yourself, Jack.”

  He took her hand and led her to the entrance. “I’m glad you came tonight.”

  “Me, too.”


  Each time Jack saw Vivi, he fell for her a bit more. She was this enticing combination of strong and sexy. Seeing this side of her in a perfectly fitted dress made his brain signals misfire, most of which redirected straight to his groin. All he’d been able to think about since they’d kissed was continuing where they’d left off.

  Tonight, he wouldn’t let her go without making his intentions known—he wanted her. In his life, in his bed.

  He wanted her. Simple as that.

  Whether she’d go for it or shoot him down was the question.

  They entered the restaurant, a family-owned one tucked into a modest brick building in a commercial stretch. He loved establishments like this, the mom-and-pop businesses rather than the massive franchises. It made him feel like he was supporting a family rather than a corporation.

  They walked by dark wooden walls with low lights that focused on the bright Spanish paintings. Exotic spices scented the air, making him salivate.

  Their server led them to a tiny table with a white rose and a tealite candle. They ordered a pitcher of red sangria and tapas, choosing various plates that the server recommended. After their drinks and tapas sat between them, they sampled each one. The delicious flavors of warm cheeses, spicy meats, and seafood lingered on his tongue.

  He drank some sangria and glanced at her. “It’s funny that you ended up here in Boston. And we ran into each other in the most unlikely of places.” He couldn’t believe his luck when it came to crossing paths with Vivi again.