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Jack: A Second Chance Marine Romance Page 4

The look on his face altered, but she couldn’t read it. A little sadness, perhaps some regret?

  That night on the beach flashed before her. The sultry heat. The passion they’d barely been able to stifle. She bit her lip and glanced across the ball, down at parquet floor. “We stopped things before it went too far.” She brought her gaze back to his.

  “And maybe we missed out.” His eyes darkened to a fascinating shade of forest green.

  Her heartbeat quickened and voice caught in her throat.

  He glanced away. “Beef teriyaki.” His voice took on a lighter tone as he switched the topic. “Let’s get some before they’re all gone.”


  Jack wasn’t sure what he was doing with Vivi, but when she’d brought up the past, he shut down. He could have ruined their careers. He shifted their focus to the perfect distraction—food.

  As they walked by the various tables and sampled more apps, he kept the conversation on neutral observations. Still, memories of their star-crossed past in Japan replayed in his head.

  When she’d stumbled in late to the history class where he was a guest lecturer, he’d instantly been drawn to her. He figured she was a dependent, someone’s daughter or worse, someone’s wife. But the way she’d looked at him indicated she was interested in him, and she hadn’t worn a ring. He hadn’t made a move since it was unprofessional, but he’d lucked out running into her at a rock climbing gym. They’d chatted and flirted. They talked about rock climbing and other activities they liked to do, like hiking, biking, and kayaking, and they’d noted their favorite spots to do so.

  She was his dream girl, he knew that without a doubt. When he’d worked up the nerve to ask her out, she threw him off guard.

  “The Marines have a ball on November tenth…” he began.

  She gave him a knowing smile. “I’ll be there. Will you?”

  Whatever he was about to ask next was lost, swallowed by other thoughts. Why did she already have plans to go? Was she in the military? She’d never mentioned it; only mentioned her classes, so he’d figured she was a full-time student. The worse scenario was that she might already have a date.

  Who had beat him to it? Son of a bitch had to be a Marine.

  After an endless pause, he replied, “Yes.”

  Before he could ask any more of his mounting questions, an old comrade of his interrupted.

  “Conroy, is that you? Haven’t seen you since Kabul.”

  Vivi turned and walked away. Smiling over her shoulder, she added, “Maybe I’ll save a dance for you.”

  Jack stared after her in confusion. He didn’t exactly ask her out as he’d intended, nor found out anything more about her or her connection to the military, but she had promised him a dance.

  Sort of.

  The Marine Corps ball had turned out to be a disaster. When they’d spoken about it on the beach, it had taken another risky turn. Something about Vivi encouraged him to confide in her. He’d done so in a way he had never done with anyone else.

  Everything about her drew him closer. The way the moonlight shone on her dark hair. The reflection of the lights rippling on the ocean danced in her amber eyes, giving them a golden hue. And they’d been alone together for the first time, not in a classroom or gym full of people.

  He’d been enraptured by her lips. The need to kiss her had grown all-consuming, one that had left him unable to think of anything else, including all the reasons why he shouldn’t think about kissing her. The way her eyes had flickered to his lips signaled she might have had the same thing on her mind.

  He’d finally yielded to that undeniable sensual energy that pulsed between them, drawing him ever closer. He leaned closer to her and cradled the back of her neck. Her eyes had widened before her eyelids lowered and she softened into his caress.

  Near delirious with need, he’d closed the space between them and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. For a moment, he’d hovered there, wondering if it was real. Within an instant, his hesitation had lifted and desire exploded. He’d claimed her with a deep kiss, and she’d responded with the same ferocious need. He ran his hands over her body there on the beach, unable to get enough of touching her.

  She’d clutched at him as if she’d never let him go. But then, she’d stopped them.

  A crushing, frustrating blow that echoed through him like a sonic boom.

  She’d been right, but he’d never wanted anyone more than he wanted her.

  But she was off-fucking-limits.

  That goddamn rule. So stupid. Okay, not completely. There was a reason that officers and enlisted military personnel didn’t socialize. If their daily work never crossed paths, what did it matter?

  There were exceptions to the rules, and many couples had made it work, but in the 90s, the military had tightened the regulations, coming down hard on those who’d toed over the line.

  Jack would never forget seeing her in her Dress Blues that night. It had shattered every hope of a future with her, even if a part of him had refused to accept it.

  And now, almost two years later, seeing her in that blue dress did something that scrambled his brains. The imagery tugged at him as ironic, some amusement played on him by the gods. Yet, it also indicated that things were different now.

  But so were they.

  She’d been injured, and that raised a plethora of questions. What had happened to her and how did it affect her? Had it ended her military career? An ache spread inside him. She must have gone through hell.

  He’d seen too many Marines impacted by injuries, both inside and out. Every time, he wished there was something he could do to alleviate the pain. With Vivi, it would be much more personal. She meant something to him, and he’d never forgotten her.

  But he was jumping too far ahead. What if she wasn’t interested in him any longer? It had been a long time. Worse, she could be with someone else. His chest tightened. That idea was too brutal to consider.

  He glanced at her hands, so dainty with her nails cut short. Most important was the absence of a ring. Still, that didn’t mean anything. He’d have to find a way to slip that question in.

  “Anyone going to be pissed that I’m stealing your time tonight?” Talk about smooth. He blurted it right out without any lead in.

  She’d taken a sip of her wine, but when he asked the oh-so-suave question, she almost choked. “If you’re asking if I’m seeing anyone, the answer’s no.”

  He exhaled. If she’d said she was married or engaged, he would have to walk away for good.

  She wrapped her hands more tightly around the stem of her glass and appraised him. “You?”


  Their eyes locked, and a potent silence followed.

  “Lucky for me.” What the hell was wrong with him? Why was he ejaculating things out without thinking first? He could be coming on too strong, too fast.

  Vivi raised a brow.

  Think. Recover. “I wouldn’t want someone getting jealous when you give me a tour of the shelter.”

  She eyed him with a curious expression. “You have nothing to worry about, Jack.”

  “When do you want to do it? Tomorrow?” Jeez, could he sound any more eager?

  “Tomorrow.” She clucked her tongue. Her gaze flickered, as if she was checking her mental calendar—or considering the implications of his question. “I don’t usually go in on Sunday mornings, but I’m sure the volunteer on schedule would be happy to sleep in if I cover for him. How about nine?”

  “Perfect.” Something to look forward to tomorrow.

  “Jack, there you are.” His mother’s voice from behind made him turn. “You disappeared.”

  He spun to face her and grinned. “Right near the food, Mom. You should have known where to find me.”

  “True.” She chuckled.

  “Mom, this is—” How could he describe Vivi? “—an old friend of mine. Vivi.”

  Vivi’s eyebrows twitched at his mention of being friends, but she extended her hand. “It’s nice to meet yo

  “I’m Elaine. Oh, you’re a volunteer as well.” His mother glanced at Vivi’s name tag. “I haven’t seen you there before.”

  “I’m usually there on Tuesday and Thursday mornings,” Vivi said.

  “Ah, I like to help with adoptions on Monday nights and sometimes Saturday afternoons.”

  For the next several minutes, Vivi and his mother chatted about the shelter, talking about cats and things they’d noticed. While they spoke, he studied Vivi.

  Her eyes now held some pain, but in a way it made her more beautiful. What had happened to her to give her those scars? Many variations darted across his mind, from IEDs to a car accident. Whatever it was, it hit him with a pang. She must have suffered a great deal. Maybe one day she’d share what had happened, but he couldn’t push it. It was too personal and the scars often cut deep. An urge to wrap her in his arms and take care of her swelled up in him, but he pushed it aside. Not a wise decision to come on so strong.

  He had another way to take her back into his arm tonight. “Sorry to interrupt, Mom, but I requested this song, so Vivi and I need to head on back out there.” He nodded toward the dance floor. Home Sweet Home by Mötley Crüe had begun playing. He reached out to Vivi. “Shall we?”

  Her eyes widened. Before she could turn him down, he offered his arm.

  After he led her out onto the dance floor again, she faced him. “I don’t know about this, Jack.”

  “Why not?”

  “This is a bad idea.” Her expression turned troubled. “Considering how clumsy I was last time. I almost fell on my ass.”

  He didn’t blame her for being nervous. “But you didn’t.”

  She clucked her tongue. “That’s because you caught me.”

  He noted, “Ah, we avoided a cat-astrophy.”

  Vivi laughed. “You always had a penchant for bad puns.”

  He’d often joked during his lectures, making the students groan with laughter.

  “You mean clever.” He winked at her. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.” He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist to reinforce his point. “It gives me an excuse to hold you tighter.”

  She put an arm around his shoulder. “Glad to know I’m in good hands.”

  Jack could think of many other ways he could use his hands on her.

  “Old Mötley Crüe?” Vivi arched her brows. “I feel like I’m in some 80s movie.”

  “What can I say?” he replied. “I love rock, hair bands and all. I heard this song on the radio a few weeks before my discharge and have had an ear worm since.”

  She tilted her head as she glanced into his eyes. “Pretty apt, since you were on the way home.”

  He replied with a nod. “Guess that’s why it stuck.”

  He took it slow with small, simple steps until she grew more comfortable with the dance. Her scent wrapped around him. All the while he was aware of how good she felt in his arms again. He wanted to pull her even closer to him, hold her cheek-to-cheek, and sway with her until everyone else disappeared and it was only the two of them there together.

  A man could dream.

  After they fell into the rhythm, he spun her out and back into his arms, “See? All we need is a little practice to figure out how we work together.”

  The glint in her eyes as she searched him echoed the question in his head. Did he mean more than just the dance?

  Chapter 5


  Vivi arrived at the cat shelter early the next morning. The familiar odor of cats and cat litter hit her first. It would soon pass after she cleaned out the boxes. She turned on the lights.

  Meows followed as the cats trotted to her from all directions in the free roaming shelter, looking to her for food. She greeted the closest ones with playful rubs and maneuvered through the furry crowd to reach their food bowls.

  After all the cats were distracted by their breakfast, she glanced at the clock. Jack should arrive soon.

  She hated to admit how much she’d been looking forward to seeing him today. The shock of seeing him last night, followed by the overwhelming experience of dancing with him, wrapped in his strong, masculine embrace, had left her too excited to sleep.

  A part of her had reawakened when they’d danced. Damn, it had felt good to feel desire again, and be desired in return, something she feared might no longer happen in her post-incident world. He’d seen the ugliness of her scars but had still appeared interested in her.

  When she fell asleep, he’d played a reoccurring role in some sordid dreams.

  Exciting and somehow terrifying.

  Take a step back and rein yourself in. Getting your hopes up over something that has crushed you in the past isn’t wise, especially since you’ve both changed.

  Jack strode into the cat shelter and all reason drifted away. Her eyes glued on him, and her throat turned parched. He wore jeans and an olive green T-shirt clung to his chest and biceps. She snapped her mouth shut before she drooled His arrival in her sanctuary did things to her body that left her unable to function.

  How would she focus on what she was supposed to do? The sensual pull between them last night had been almost too much to bear. They’d be alone, not surrounded by dozens of people in a ballroom. Well, alone, save for the cats. And the felines wouldn’t give a rat’s ass—or, would it be cat’s ass?

  Wait, what was she thinking?

  Jack met her gaze and greeted her with a lopsided smile. Combined with that striking twinkle in his eyes, the effect was panty-melting. She dropped what was in her hand.

  Oh hell, it was a cat litter scoop. She was caught scooping poop. How devastatingly alluring. She put it in its storage container and went to greet him before washing her hands.

  She wiped any jaw-dropping remnants of awe off her face, shooting for a neutral expression. “You made it.”

  Despite her step down from the blue satin cocktail dress the night before to her current appearance—gray yoga pants, the standard orange volunteer shirt, and casual ponytail, he gave her an appreciative glance. “Wouldn’t miss it, Vivi.”

  That penetrating look, the deep huskiness in his voice as he said her name in that incredible accent…

  God, he made her body react with such volatility. Her insides shot into motion like he’d set off illegal fireworks in an off-limits area. She suppressed a snort. That was the impact he’d had on her since they’d first met.

  She needed to get herself in check. Do what she was tasked with, which was get him up to speed on volunteering at the shelter. She’d done the same for at least a dozen people before, no big deal. Give him the tour, show him the ropes, point out some of the cats’ quirks, and that would be it.

  Vivi drew in a shallow breath and exhaled through her nose. In a detached tone, she said, “You mind signing in there, Jack.” She pointed to the volunteer sign-in sheet. “And when you come in, wash your hands here.”

  She needed to wash hers as well so stepped into the gated enclosure for storing cleaning and grooming supplies and closed the gate behind her. To the cats, it would be another area to explore—and wreck. Too many things were in there they shouldn’t get their little paws into. She lathered up in the sink. After she rinsed, she stepped back to reach for a towel when she bumped into something hard.

  His chest.

  That hard, tantalizing chest she’d been so close to last night.

  Vivi gasped. “Oh! I didn’t know you were in here.”

  She turned to him, and it put them face to face in that confined space. Had it always been so small in there? Her breath came out in quick pants. Her attempt to remain professional melted under his penetrating gaze.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.” His voice came out a low, sensual croon.

  Without the wedge heels she wore last night, he loomed over her. He was like a life force, drawing everything to him. And she was the closest object to get caught by his gravitational pull.

  Damn, his eyes sparkled, like an ocean shade between blue and gre
en under the fluorescent lights. Those weren’t flattering for most people, but for him, they accentuated that captivating blend of colors under his dark lashes.

  And his lips—so defined, so kissable. They were right there. If she leaned up on her tiptoes…

  Don’t go there...

  “I guess I didn’t hear you open the gate over the sound of the running water.” Why was she talking so fast? Was it because her heartbeat was pounding so fast around him?

  His mouth spread into a decadent smile, as if he knew exactly what she’d been thinking about his lips. “Now that you have me, what do you want to do with me?”

  All those fantasies from last night flooded her brain and a wave of heat rose in her cheeks. For a Marine who’d faced combat situations and countless come-ons from the men she’d served with, she should be able to handle an easy training like this. But something about Jack made her revert to the awkwardness of a high school freshman with a crush on an unattainable rock star.

  Her lips parted as she attempted to find a suitable answer. “Um, what do you mean?”

  He chuckled. “I still need to wash my hands, but then what?”

  Oh, dear God, he meant at the shelter, not what she’d been envisioning he could do with those sensual lips.

  “Let me get out of your way.” As she tried to slide by him, her breast rubbed across his arm. Bad move. What was she, one of the cats rubbing up a person’s leg for attention?

  Or maybe marking her territory?

  If her cheeks had simmered with heat before, they’d blown up into a full-blown inferno now. She slipped out of the gated area without brushing up against him with any more accidental seductive moves.

  He’s only a guy you once knew. He’s only a guy who once knew.

  And kissed…

  With the disarming effect he had on her, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.


  Volunteering at the shelter had turned out to be a great idea. Jack had been there less than ten minutes and already found his body pressed against Vivi in that enclosed space.